Divinia Reyno Jaurigue Year Graduated QCHS: Class '56, College: UP (Psychology Major) Siblings from QCHS: Ching(Class '49), Jun(Class '53) and Tito(Class '55)One older sister-Josie or Jes- graduated from FEU High, Class '51 Last Address in Kamuning: 100 Kamuning Road,between K-D & K-E E-mail address/moniker:; DRJ, DJ, Enya,Debbie Current Residence: San Diego, CA Occupational Status: Out of the Rat Race
I was also with a group of seven girls who called ourselves "Pitong Maria"
when we were seniors about to graduate in '56. But the reason was not that we
had a common crush, but it's just the number 7(although two of us had a common "crush", the "Tantum Ergo" kind!)
Divina in one of her email re: True or fairly true Confessions |
How do you make a Carabao
cry (without hurting it)? What one thing would Filipinos find it hard to live without?
Which Ilocano town is considered the second largest architectural legacy of the Spaniards, next to
Intramuros? For answers to these questions, and for many short stories, poems, and essays, get a hold of REMEMBERING--Stories for the Filipino Heart. The book is a delightful collection of Pinoy memories in prose and poetry and authored by various contributors from the U>S> and the Philippines. It is dedicated to all Filipinos, and those they love and those who love them. Remembering showcases samples of the Filipino's delicious sense of humor, warmth and wit and portrays the Filipino's creative and ingenious ways of looking at life and enjoying it. An inspiring book that will bring smiles on your face and a light in your soul. Written in English, Tagalog, and "Taglish", it is addressed to young and old Filipinos and takes the reader back to those days when life was sweet and pleasures were simple. A great gift for Tita Lulu, Kuya Jun and Ate Nids, but most especially for Lolo Bert and Lola Pacing. |
(Solo) Debbie in Salzburg, Austria, at one of the "Sound of Music" locations.
(Group Photo) Divinia Reyno Jaurigue, at her birthday celebration, with
fellow '56ers, on her left, Armando Sacramento, and on her right, Gloria
Lustre Khoo. On Gloria's right is her husband, John Khoo, a retired professor
from UCSan Diego.
(Couple's photo) Divinia Reyno Jaurigue, class '56, shown with her husband,
Oscar, at a Filipino Fiesta celebration in San Diego.